WayBack Machine – EDS Unchecked

What Uncontrolled Hypermobile Ehler’s Danlos Syndrome Looked Like Way Back in 1993. I wrote the following paper for a college class I was taking back in the early 1990’s. I was supposed to “explain a difficult concept.” This one was pretty fresh on my mind, since I was struggling to understand what had been wrong with my right shoulder for a decade and a half, much less why it couldn’t be fixed. Today, we understand

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Don’t Punish Progress

I saw the full version on a friend’s wall earlier today and had to steal this piece because it rang so true. It was geared toward children and the way we speak to them. “It’s about time.” “Why can’t you do X every time?” “Is that all?” “Your Best?” “You can do better!” How often do we miss the little steps? How often, in our haste toward success, do we forget to recognize the process? Do

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Yes, We Have No Ice.

It was Friday. a Blissful, gleeful Bastille day kicking off a long Labor Day Weekend. It was the culmination of a disastrous few weeks. It was a sign that the many fires in my life, both literal and figurative, were back to simmer and I could look forward to a quick get away before 100 things demanded my immediate and undivided attention again. I tossed my work bag into my favorite chair, marched upstairs and

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Seuss That!

I’m working an entry and thinking up words. To tell you what’s happened in quick little blurbs. I have a new doc, new meds, and less pain. That would be good, man, if I were still sane. Somehow, I can’t do it. The words just won’t come, unless they are rhyming which just isn’t fun. My daughter’s addicted to one nasty cat. You know the one. He wears a striped hat. His way of speaking

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